Welcome to the homepage for the Phantom Satellite web browser!
Phantom Satellite is a direct fork of Pale Moon with the only changes being the branding (for now)
The name is a play on Pale Moon (Phantom = Pale (like a ghost), Satellite = Moon (the moon is a natural satellite))
The reason for doing this is because Pale Moon is a decent lightweight browser
However they don't like people using their branding even even though Pale Moon is open source
This prevents the browser from being properly packaged by most Linux distributions
Their solution is to include an unofficial genric branding directory in the source code
Until recently the browser literally just used "Browser" as the name with this config
They did however change it back to "New Moon" in the most recent update
This project was originaly intended to just be stock Pale Moon with branding changes that was free to share
I will admit that I originaly did this out of spite, however now I would like this to eventually become something more
I personally wouldn't mind seeing Windows Vista and Windows XP support restored, and support for non SSE CPUs
Downloads (generic Linux builds for now)
Config files used to build the releases on the download page
Generic Linux distribution package templates